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David Álvarez Rosa

Mathematics and
Industrial Engineering graduate.

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Implementing a Neural Network from scratch – Part 1

  6 to 9 minutes to read

  David Álvarez Rosa

  Neural Network - AI - Deep Learning

Machine Learning, C++, Implementation, Scratch

  May 3, 2020

Abstract. The first entry of this blog series of implementing a Neural Network in C++ will be covering the mathematical theory behind the fully connected layered artificial neural networks. We will start by defining its topology and its core components. Then we will dicuss how a neural network works (namely forward propagation) This blog entry will finish by reformulating the learning problem from a mathematical optimization point of view and deriving the well-known backward propagation formula.

#include "Defs.hh"
#include "Math.hh"
#include "NeuralNetwork.hh"
#include "Data.hh"
int main() { std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed); std::cout.precision(5); // Read data. const int sizeTrainDataset = 1; std::ifstream fileTrain("data/train.dat"); for (int i = 0; i < sizeTrainDataset; ++i) trainDataset.push_back(Data(fileTrain)); const int sizeTestDataset = 100; std::ifstream fileTest("data/test.dat"); for (int i = 0; i < sizeTestDataset; ++i) testDataset.push_back(Data(fileTest)); // Choose model and initialize Neural Network. NeuralNetwork neuralNetwork(neuronsPerLayer); // Train Neural Network. neuralNetwork.train(trainDataset, 5); // Test Neural Network. neuralNetwork.test(testDataset);
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Last update: June 25, 2022